Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Party 5k

Slight brag, kinda gutted!

Whilst writing my other post today, i was still in a few torns. Anyway knocked out of one in like 40th outa 1600 runners on stars, not too bad. Wasnt much $$ tho. Then i was still in the party 5k doing well. Anyway, the numbers kept decreasing and my stack increasing, eventually made the FT, me with 220k, next person behind me with bout 110. I knew i had a shot to do well and was confident and playing well. Eventually i knocked a few out and a few other dropped and we were HU, i had 500k, he had about 260ish. I got him down to 200k, then on a board of A4423, i have 45, he bets i r/r he moves in and now im committed to calling after basically putting him all in anyway. Not that i would ever wna fold here. Anyway he has 22 for the FH, so sick. Then we i still have him outchipped by about 70k, we get it all in again, he has 10s and i hav AQ, his 10s hold up and im down to 70k. Next hand my KQ and his A10, no help and im out in 2nd. Pretty annoyed at the moment but what else can i do.

Until next time.....wiggy wiggy wiggy, dya dya dya!(for Sledge)

1 comment:

BH said...

Why didnt you win tho?

Your on a heavenly piece of form, and they dont come roudn too often. Ride it out. Win Win Win. We;; Doneeee!